Are you looking for a high-paying Professional Care job with SanaCarers? Start Here

Income Estimator

The displayed earnings represent the average income that caregivers in your local postal area have received over the past six months.

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Choose your preferred care service

Specify the number of days per year you are available to work? 1

Min : 1

Max : 365

Specify the number of hours per week you are available to work? 8

Min : 8

Max : 80

Specify the number of weeks per year you are available to work? 1

Min : 1

Max : 52

In your postal code, the average price for an hourly SanaCarers professional caregiver is as follows:

A professional carer's income is determined by a combination of factors which includes the caregiver's experience, qualifications and the number of hours worked.

The average amount you could earn during the specified period is as follows.


per hour


per week


per year

*The rates above are only estimates, after SanaCarers fees deducted. Each carer is free to negotiate their own rates so the figures above could be higher or lower.

Average care rates in, ${postcode} Not Available Right Now